Salient 是一个用于您下一个 SaaS 创意的精美着陆页模板,使用 Tailwind CSS 和 Next.js 构建,由 Tailwind CSS 团队设计和构建。它已准备好投入生产,易于定制,使其成为您自己项目的完美起点。
我们对代码的关注程度与对设计的关注程度一样,因此如果您想学习专家如何使用 Tailwind CSS 和 React 构建网站,它也是一个宝贵的资源。
由专家构建 - 您可以相信所有代码都是按照 Tailwind CSS 最佳实践编写的,因为它是由创建和维护该框架的同一团队编写的。
易于定制 - 所有内容都使用实用程序类进行样式化,直接在标记中。没有配置变量或复杂的 CSS 需要处理,只需在您的编辑器中打开标记并更改您想要的任何内容。
使用 Next.js 构建 - 该模板是一个结构良好、经过精心组件化的 Next.js 项目,为您提供一个高效且令人愉快的代码库。
键盘可访问 - 我们构建的所有内容都是键盘可访问的,我们仔细制作标记以提供我们所知的最佳屏幕阅读器体验。
TypeScript 或 JavaScript — 由对类型精准度有着极高追求的极客们使用最新版本的 TypeScript 编写,为您提供最佳的开发体验。我们还提供纯 JavaScript 版本,以防您不喜欢 TypeScript。
生产就绪 — 在所有最新版本的浏览器中经过严格测试,可以处理您可能轻易错过的许多边缘情况。
部署简单 — 生产就绪,可以轻松部署到任何可以部署 Next.js 应用程序的地方,例如 Vercel 或 Netlify。
所有网站模板 — 精美设计、精心制作的网站模板,使用 React 和 Next.js 等现代技术构建。
500 多个组件 — 构建精美应用程序 UI、营销网站、电子商务商店等所需的一切。
终身访问权限 — 立即获取我们所有现有内容的访问权限,以及我们将来添加的任何新组件和模板。
适用于团队 — 获取我们所有模板和组件以及所有未来更新的访问权限,供您的整个团队使用。
无限项目 — 一次购买,即可将此模板用于您需要的任何项目,包括个人项目和商业项目。
免费更新 — 我们对模板进行的任何更新都包含在您的原始购买中。
简单的 .zip 文件 — 模板以简单的存档形式提供,您可以解压缩并立即开始使用。
Tailwind UI products are a one-time purchase, with no recurring subscription. When you purchase any Tailwind UI product, you have access to all of the content in that product forever.
When you purchase any Tailwind UI product, any improvements we make to that product will always be free for anyone who owns that product.
Individual templates: When you buy an individual template, any improvements we make to that template will be available to you as part of your original purchase.
So if we fix a bug or upgrade the template to use the latest version of Tailwind CSS or Next.js, you can download an updated version of the template free of charge.
Any new templates we release are considered separate products, and can be purchased separately.
All-access: When you purchase an all-access license, you get access to every site template available and every component package available today, plus any new templates or component packages we release in the future at no additional cost.
This means that if we add a brand new social media website template or new component package like “Journalism”, access to those products are included in your original purchase, with no upgrade cost.
No, design assets for tools like Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD are not included.
We don't produce high-quality design artifacts as part of our own design and development process, so building these extra resources means we can't spend as much time creating new components and templates in code which is where we believe we can provide the most value.
Our website templates are built using Next.js, so all of the markup is written using React.
Everything in Tailwind UI is designed and developed for the latest version of Tailwind CSS, which is currently Tailwind CSS v3.4.
The components and templates in Tailwind UI are designed to work in the latest, stable releases of all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
We don't support Internet Explorer 11.
Unlike most other templates/themes, you don't have to buy a new Tailwind UI license every time you want to use it on a new project.
As long as what you're building is allowed as per the license, you can build as many sites as you want without ever having to buy an additional license.
For more information and examples, read through our license.
Yes! As long what you're building is a custom website developed for a single client, you can totally use components and templates in Tailwind UI to help build it.
The only thing you can't do is use Tailwind UI to build a website or template that is resold to multiple clients.
For more information and examples, read through our license.
Absolutely! Your license gives you permission to build as many of your own projects as you like, whether those are simple public websites or SaaS applications that end users need to pay to access.
As long as what you’re building isn’t a website builder or other tool that customers can use to create their own sites using elements that originate from Tailwind UI, you’re good to go.
For more information and examples, read through our license.
Yep! As long as what you're building is some sort of actual website and not a derivative component library, theme builder, or other product where the primary purpose is clearly to repackage and redistribute our components, it's totally okay for that project to be open source.
For more information and examples of what is and isn't okay, read through our license.
No, you cannot use Tailwind UI to create derivative products like themes, UI kits, page builders, or anything else where you would be repackaging and redistributing our components or templates for someone else to use to build their own sites.
For more information and examples of what is and isn't okay, read through our license.
Tailwind UI 是一款自助产品,这意味着虽然我们提供客户支持,例如账户管理和许可相关问题,但我们期望客户具备使用 Tailwind CSS、HTML、React 和 Vue 的必要知识才能成功使用该产品。
Tailwind UI 客户可以访问一个私人的 Discord 社区,在那里您可以提出问题并帮助他人解决问题,但我们自己不提供第一方技术支持或咨询。
如果您对您的购买有任何不满意,请在 30 天内通过电子邮件联系我们 [email protected],我们将全额退款,无需任何理由。